«Future Me»

English Language

Οι μαθητές του B2 τμήματος του Λυκείου μας στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος των Αγγλικών και με την καθοδήγηση της καθηγήτριας Αγγελικής Χρυσοπούλου ΠΕ06, ζητήθηκαν να φανταστούν πώς θα είναι η ζωή τους σε είκοσι χρόνια από σήμερα. Η Τορουνίδου Πένη έγραψε την δική της άποψη. Απολαύστε την!

“Future Me”

Nowadays, rapid developments in our educational system has made me take great consideration in my future. In order to achieve my goals, I need to stay focused and start thinking what is going to happen after my studies.

So, supposing I have achieved my basic goals, it is easy to imagine my life in twenty years. In twenty years from now, in all likelihood, I will have finished an English literature college and will be teaching in a high school. I suppose that by then I will have travelled a lot. I have always wanted to go to Paris, London, Malibu and Africa. If by my 37 I will have been to at least one or two of these places, I will be pretty satisfied. 

Furthermore, after having lived my college years in a carefree way, after having read as many books as I can and after having gained as many experiences as I can, I imagine myself having a family. I think I will be married to this gorgeous and educated guy, as I have always been very choosy. I will be probably having one wonderful little girl, who regardless my unspeakable love, will never be spoilt.

In conclusion, it is known that nobody’s life is perfect, but when I imagine myself in twenty years, I pretend that it can be. I may not achieve all my goals, but I will do my best. After all, a girl can always dream.

Torounidou Parthena.

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